About Me

Mary Misery is a published gothic fashion and dark art model, a music video maven, and an award-winning horror cosplayer living in Los Angeles, California. She has modeled prolifically for Ipso Facto in the OC Weekly, graced multiple issues of Rawl of the Dead Magazine, adorned the pages of The LA Weekly for the 2019 Endless Night Vampire Ball, and has been in music videos for Motionless in White, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, and Emilie Autumn. Delving into all things macabre and Victorian, Mary frequents horror conventions, occultist seances, Victorian tea parties, and many other eccentric events in Southern California. 

An avid reader, Mary Misery can be heard performing live readings for The Witches Brew and The Raven Societea on Instagram Live, haunting the grounds of The Heritage Square Museum for The Haunted Souls Bazaar, guest starring for multiple interviews with various hosts, and speaking about her personal recovery from Covid-19 on Creepy Kingdom. 

As a Gothic Victorian Vampire and a lover of the obscure, Mary uses her platform to promote the spooky, the spiritual, the literary, the artistic, and the unheard voices of minorities and the LGBTQ+ as well. Browse her social media at:
